A Climate Plan! — For Real?

On 20 November 2023, the University Climate Council sub­mit­ted a blue­print to the uni­ver­si­ty admi­nis­tra­ti­on, pro­po­sing a total of 42 mea­su­res to impro­ve Halle University’s bio­di­ver­si­ty and cli­ma­te-friend­li­ness. Now what is the cli­ma­te plan sup­po­sed to achie­ve and will the plan­ned mea­su­res even be sufficient?

Erasmus + Corona = ?

A total of 50 guest stu­dents had plan­ned to come to Halle for the past sum­mer semes­ter. Twelve of them have actual­ly enrol­led and have atten­ded their cour­ses online. But no more than two stu­dents real­ly made it to Halle, one of them being John Bermudez Vera. He is majo­ring in Food Technology and came here from the coas­tal city of Valencia in Spain. Originally John comes from Colombia. In this inter­view, he tells how things went for him in Halle in the time of COVID-19.