From Change to Catastrophe
The 1.5‑degree target is history, worldwide, not enough is being done for climate protection and the climate catastrophe is steadily progressing. Time to worry? – No way!
The 1.5‑degree target is history, worldwide, not enough is being done for climate protection and the climate catastrophe is steadily progressing. Time to worry? – No way!
Students did not follow a right-wing trend during university elections at the MLU. But even without fundamental opposition, inner conflicts paralysed the Stura. Now an earlier restart is supposed to fix past issues.
From 16 to 27 May 2024, you will have a new opportunity to elect student members in the university’s bodies as well as the student bodies. Here is what the polls are about and how it works.
Sunshine with an average of 26°C, the Ionian Sea just three minutes away by foot, and almost every evening a firework display on the beach. How could one make better use of these sceneries than by playing role-playing games with 28 other nerds from all over Europe?
My rail journeys always resemble an odyssey, non-stop, to Bizarro World. This will be a report on one of those wanderings.
Test (related) anxiety, financial worries, loneliness and stress — those are only a few of the many troubles keeping students awake at night. Whom to talk to about suffocating thoughts at night? A couple of weeks ago Nightline, an initiative curated by the MLU, first opened its lines as a crisis hotline offered by students for students. The interview with Nightline Halle was conducted by editor-in-chief Marlene Nötzold for hastuzeit.
A perpetual flow of texts, pictures, moving pictures. What makes it into the canon of the broad media public?
Media attention can be an important pressurizer in political issues – as well as in the context of the Iranian government’s violent actions against its own population.