What’s keeping you up?

Test (rela­ted) anxie­ty, finan­cial worries, lone­li­ness and stress — tho­se are only a few of the many trou­bles kee­ping stu­dents awa­ke at night. Whom to talk to about suf­fo­ca­ting thoughts at night? A cou­p­le of weeks ago Nightline, an initia­ti­ve cura­ted by the MLU, first ope­ned its lines as a cri­sis hot­line offe­red by stu­dents for stu­dents. The inter­view with Nightline Halle was con­duc­ted by edi­tor-in-chief Marlene Nötzold for hastuzeit.

About the Courage to Die for Freedom

A per­pe­tu­al flow of texts, pic­tures, moving pic­tures. What makes it into the canon of the broad media public?
Media atten­ti­on can be an important pres­su­ri­zer in poli­ti­cal issu­es – as well as in the con­text of the Iranian government’s vio­lent actions against its own population.