The plan­ned cuts at the MLU pro­ceed con­ti­nuous­ly. But what about me? Am I affec­ted, too? What hap­pens if my sub­ject gets clo­sed as well? What does “sus­pen­ded” even mean – and whe­re can I find out more? 

Am I affected, too? 

All stu­dents are affec­ted. The MLU has got a signi­fi­cant defi­cit in its bud­get, howe­ver, state­ments about its size dif­fer a lot. This affects many of the university’s bran­ches, some of which are alrea­dy working at their limits. In par­ti­cu­lar, the bud­get cuts are affec­ting stu­dents who­se sub­jects will be “cut back”, “sus­pen­ded”, “mer­ged”, or “clo­sed”. 

What does “cut” mean? 

“Cut” refers to the university’s mea­su­res to save finan­cial resour­ces, e.g. less resour­ces for staff, offe­red cour­ses, pro­fes­sor­s­hips or uni­ver­si­ty pla­ces, in gene­ral. Consequences of tho­se mea­su­res could be, that cer­tain sub­jects are (get­ting) sus­pen­ded, mer­ged or closed. 

What does “suspend” mean? 

If a sub­ject is sus­pen­ded, no more stu­dents will be matri­cu­la­ted from a set point in time. That can be done to faci­li­ta­te the rest­ruc­tu­ring of a sub­ject, for examp­le. If you are in a sub­ject which is or will be sus­pen­ded, the­re likely will not be any immedia­te con­se­quen­ces for you. However, rest­ruc­tu­ra­ti­on and chan­ges in the ran­ge of offe­red cour­ses can affect your stu­dies indirectly. 

What does “merge” mean? 

The main goal of mer­ging sub­jects is to safe per­son­nel cost. Unfortunately, it is hard to give gene­ral advice on what to do and what to look out for if your cour­se is mer­ged with ano­t­her one. The effects for you can be very indi­vi­du­al – pay atten­ti­on to chan­ges of the exami­na­ti­on or stu­dy regu­la­ti­ons and keep an eye out for assi­s­tance and infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded by your depart­ment or faculty. 

What does “close” mean? 

The uni­ver­si­ty calls this pro­cess “can­cel­la­ti­on” of a sub­ject. As sta­ted in the university’s regu­la­ti­ons, MLU gua­ran­tees stu­dents who are enrol­led at the time the sub­ject is clo­sed a “Study and exam offer in accordance with the cur­rent exami­na­ti­on regu­la­ti­ons […]” which allows to con­ti­nue one’s stu­dies until the end of their stan­dard peri­od of stu­dy plus four semesters. 

Students who did not have their final exami­na­ti­on at that point are requi­red to sub­mit a request sta­ting rea­sons for a delay­ed dead­line at the rele­vant exami­na­ti­on board until the 31.01. of the year in ques­ti­on. The exami­na­ti­on board can then deci­de to grant two addi­tio­nal semes­ters and com­pi­le an indi­vi­du­al stu­dy plan. 

Student climb up a ladder of books. He graduates.
Illustration: Mohamed Hassan via Pixabay

Where can I get information and help? 

The Student Advisory Service

The Student Advisory Service offers various ways of inter­ac­tion for its advi­sing appoint­ments, cur­r­ent­ly inclu­ding the pos­si­bi­li­ty to attend an advi­sing appoint­ment via web con­fe­rence. Please look for the cur­rent opti­ons befo­re­hand on the web­site of the Student Advisory Service — you can use the QR code shown here for this pur­po­se. Please be sure to fol­low the cur­rent Covid-19 regu­la­ti­ons. 

  • Adress: Studierenden-Service-Center, Universitätsplatz 11, Löwengebäude, 06108 Halle (Saale) 
  • Telephone: 0345/55213 – 08; – 22; – 27; – 06 
  • E‑Mail: ssc [at] uni [dot] hal­le [dot] de 

Open office houers:

  • Montag: 13:00 bis 16:00 Uhr 
  • Dienstag: 10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr; 13:00 bis 17:00 Uhr 
  • Mittwoch: 10:00 bis 11:00 Uhr 
  • Donnerstag: 10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr; 13:00 bis 16:00 Uhr 

The StuRa (Studierendenrat, students council)

The Student Advisory Service offers various ways of inter­ac­tion for its advi­sing appoint­ments, cur­r­ent­ly inclu­ding the pos­si­bi­li­ty to attend an advi­sing appoint­ment via web con­fe­rence. Please look for the cur­rent opti­ons befo­re­hand on the web­site of the Student Advisory Service — you can use the QR code shown here for this pur­po­se. Please be sure to fol­low the cur­rent Covid-19 regu­la­ti­ons. 

  • Adress: Studierendenrat der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Universitätsplatz 7,  06108 Halle (Saale) 
  • Telephone: 0345/5521411 
  • E‑Mail: bue­ro [at] stu­ra [dot] uni-hal­le [dot] de 

The Psychosoziale Beratungsstelle des Studentenwerks (psychosocial advisory service of the student service)

New per­so­nal chal­len­ges and pro­blems can sur­face in the cur­rent situa­ti­on and the con­se­quen­ces ari­sing from it, whe­ther in stu­dies or in pri­va­te life. Here, a coun­se­ling ses­si­on may be hel­pful. The stu­dent ser­vice offers coun­se­ling ser­vices at several loca­ti­ons (Halle, Köthen, Merseburg, Bernburg and Dessau). Currently, both tele­pho­ne and per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­ons (in com­pli­an­ce with hygie­ne regu­la­ti­ons) are offe­red. The ran­ge and fre­quen­cy of ser­vices may vary depen­ding on the coun­se­ling loca­ti­on. Please visit the web­site of the stu­dent ser­vice for infor­ma­ti­on about cur­rent offers, appoint­ments, and fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on – you can use the QR code shown here. Please be sure to fol­low the cur­rent Covid-19 regu­la­ti­ons – plea­se never visit the coun­se­ling cen­ter in case of sym­ptoms of ill­ness or fee­ling unwell, but use the pos­si­bi­li­ties for remo­te coun­se­ling.  

Translation: Stefan Kranz

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