The picture is a collage. The background shows a blue wall. In the centre is a red semicircle. From the top of the semicircle are three clenched fists in black and white stretched upwards. Above them is wrtitten in darkblue “Zwischen Menschen” which means “among people” in english. In front of the red semicircle is the upper body silhouette of a person with a megaphone. The silhouette is made of newsprint with text and around the upper body is a white paper border.

Among people – Between Oppression Olympics and Olympus

Our new column, “Among People”, aims to offer a plat­form to mar­gi­na­li­sed peop­le so they can share their expe­ri­en­ces of discri­mi­na­ti­on and draw atten­ti­on to the unse­en. In this first inst­alm­ent, Genaro is sharing his thoughts with you: “Between Oppression Olympics and Olympus”. At times, when I’m just pon­de­ring away and it kind of feels like[…]