Studying means more than just atten­ding lec­tures and taking exams. It is a pha­se of life full of chan­ges, chal­len­ges and new expe­ri­en­ces. While this time can be exci­ting and rewar­ding, it also brings with it a num­ber of stres­sors that can impact our men­tal health. But what does “men­tal health” actual­ly mean and why is it so important, espe­cial­ly for students?

Mental health encom­pas­ses our emo­tio­nal, psy­cho­lo­gi­cal and social well-being. It influ­en­ces how we think, feel and act, espe­cial­ly in stress­ful situa­tions. Good men­tal health allows us to cope with life’s ups and downs and ful­fill our poten­ti­al. When stu­dy­ing, the pres­su­re to per­form, social iso­la­ti­on and fears for the future are com­mon. This is why it´s so important to pay atten­ti­on to your own men­tal health.

Student life can feel qui­te overwhelming

Mental health risks 

Achieving good gra­des can be an over­whel­ming pres­su­re. Exams, dead­lines and the con­stant pur­su­it of aca­de­mic excel­lence can lead to signi­fi­cant fee­lings of stress and anxie­ty. Comparison with fel­low stu­dents and the fee­ling of con­stant­ly having to achie­ve top per­for­mance add to the stress.

The tran­si­ti­on from school to uni­ver­si­ty often means that stu­dents enter a new envi­ron­ment, away from fami­ly and friends. Building new social net­works can be dif­fi­cult, and many stu­dents feel iso­la­ted and lonely. This iso­la­ti­on can take a toll on men­tal health and dimi­nish a sen­se of belonging.

Financial bur­den of col­le­ge tui­ti­on, living expen­ses, and pos­si­ble lack of finan­cial sup­port can be a signi­fi­cant stres­sor too. Many stu­dents have to work along­side their stu­dies, which leads to addi­tio­nal workload and less free time.

Irregular sleep pat­terns and lack of sleep are com­mon among stu­dents. Long nights for stu­dy­ing or social acti­vi­ties can affect sleep qua­li­ty. Chronic lack of sleep can lead to wor­se­ning men­tal health and incre­a­ses the risk of anxie­ty and depression.

Uncertainty about one’s future and pos­si­ble life path after gra­dua­ti­on can con­tri­bu­te to anxie­ty. The pres­su­re to find a sui­ta­ble care­er and com­pe­te in the job mar­ket is ano­t­her source of stress.

Challenges you might face on campus

Wohlfühlcampus resource

It is important that stu­dents are awa­re of the chal­len­ges they face and that they deve­lop stra­te­gies to deal with them. Universities often pro­vi­de nume­rous resour­ces, inclu­ding the MLU. The stu­dent health manage­ment, also known as the Wohlfühlcampus, offers a varie­ty of sup­port during your stu­dies. (The name should be fami­li­ar to anyo­ne who regu­lar­ly checks their uni­ver­si­ty mails.) But it is also worth taking a look at the web­site The Wohlfühlcampus offers ran­ge from events to advi­so­ry ser­vices that have been put tog­e­ther to make ever­y­day life in uni­ver­si­ty easier. Most offers are online and can the­re­fo­re be easi­ly inte­gra­ted into your dai­ly rou­ti­ne. The “Student Health Management” pro­ject is car­ri­ed out in coope­ra­ti­on with the Techniker Krankenkasse and is repre­sen­ted by stu­dents and employees from dif­fe­rent institutions.

The fol­lowing offers were avail­ab­le in the sum­mer semes­ter of 2024:

Study-Life blen­ding

Help set­ting bounda­ries bet­ween stu­dies and ever­y­day life, in order to bring life back into balance.

Learning stra­te­gies 2.0 / Lernstrategien 2.0

A work­shop on effec­ti­ve lear­ning strategies.

Women’s Health / Frauengesundheit

Insight into cycle-based stress management.

Fear – chal­len­ges in stu­dy­ing / Angst – Herausforderungen im Studium

Consideration of poten­ti­al fears in the con­text of stu­dies and how to deal with them.

Mindfulness and emo­ti­ons / Achtsamkeit und Emotionen

Learn to live in the pre­sent and get rid of nega­ti­ve beha­vi­or patterns.

Fuel sugar / Zündstoff Zucker

Information about the nega­ti­ve effects of sugar consumption.

Mentally strong through the exam / Mental stark durch die Prüfung

Keynote speech about kee­ping your ner­ve during the exam phase.


Obstacle cour­se at the Ziegelwiese sports field to pro­mo­te team spirit.


Yoga ses­si­on for begin­ners and advan­ced stu­dents at the Ziegelwiese sports field, accom­pa­nied by a teacher.

Healthy lea­ders­hip / Gesundes Führen

Insight into lea­ders­hip styles and the impor­t­ance of dele­ga­ting tasks.

University break / Uni Break

Sporty sug­ges­ti­ons for an acti­ve break to loo­sen up ever­y­day life.

TK health coach / TK-Gesundheitscoach

Flexible exer­cise pro­gram, adap­ted to your own fit­ness status.

Coping strategies

In addi­ti­on, simp­le mea­su­res can also help impro­ve men­tal health. If you want to avoid stress, pay atten­ti­on to good time manage­ment to pre­vent pres­su­re. A healt­hy life­style – exer­cise, a balan­ced diet and enough sleep – is also hel­pful. Moreover, sta­ble social net­works and mind­ful­ness in ever­y­day life are important for our men­tal health. Therefore, you should pay atten­ti­on to how situa­tions and peop­le clo­se to you affect your own mood. If you’­re open to it, yoga, medi­ta­ti­on or breat­hing exer­ci­ses can help to calm the mind. In the end you should opti­mi­ze your own pro­blem sol­ving — set rea­listic goals, reco­gni­ze your own pro­gress, reco­ver from set­backs. Everyone has to deci­de for them­sel­ves which stra­te­gies work best.

Some ways to impro­ve your resi­li­en­ce to stress

Take care of your health!

Mental health care is an ongo­ing pro­cess that requi­res con­scious effort and com­mit­ment. By app­ly­ing the­se stra­te­gies, stu­dents can build resi­li­en­ce, redu­ce stress and deve­lop a balan­ced life­style that will bene­fit them not only during col­le­ge, but also later in life.

It is important to remem­ber that it is okay to seek help and take care of yourself — becau­se men­tal health is just as important as phy­si­cal health.

Author: Anne Körsten

Illustration: Anne Körsten

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